John and Heather Innis

Home · Pets · Dogs · Gino

We adopted Gino from Last Hope Animal Rescue on 3/1/08/  He is a wonderful dog and great addition to our family.  Last Hope keeps animals in foster homes, until they find a forever home.  The care and attention they give the foster animals is obvious in Gino.  He is a well behaved and adjusted with other dogs, cats and people.

Gino saying goodbye to Mary
Gino Says Good-bye to Foster Mom Mary
Gino and Heather on the Love Sac
Heather and Gino on the Love Sac

Gino Loves Toys
Gino Loves Toys!


I am a Lap Dog!
Gino is a Lap Dog!

Mooch and Indy watch cautiously
Mooch and Indy Watch from Safety

Mooch Ventures Forth
Mooch Tries to sneak by!

Gino Plays in the snow
So Much to explore!

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